The only place where Apekshit Khare, 28, feels at home is in his office.At every step in his life, be it education or career, Khare had faced obstructions and a stigma. In a country where homosexuality is criminalized and where the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people) community faces discrimination and a lack of basic rights+ , some corporates are celebrating diversity within their organizations. “I was pleasantly surprised when I realised my same-sex partner would get the same benefits as a conventionally married couple,” Khare says in Godrej Group’s video promoting inclusion.

The sensitivity on part of his employer has come as a big relief to Khare. “We often have members from the LGBT community writing to us, reacting to our open policy of recognising and celebrating diversity. Roles are given on merit. The company is also careful about the team to which the employee is assigned and ensures that their manager is sensitive to such matters,” says Sumit Mitra, head, group HR and corporate services, Godrej. READ FULL